Get in touch!


Phone: 610-705-7999

Mail: PO Box 195 Emmaus, PA 18049

Make a lasting impact

Join the Legacy!

Brand Ambassadors

As an Ambassador for Keich Basketball Legacy, you will play a pivotal role in promoting our mission, values, and holistic approach to athletic and personal development.

You will serve as a passionate advocate for our program, sharing our message with the world and helping to shape a new generation of well-rounded athletes and leaders.

Follow the link below to learn more about this opportunity and apply today!


Keich Basketball Legacy empowers ambitious athletes to achieve greatness not only within the lines of the basketball court, but also in the broader arena of life.

As partners in our mission to create social impact, Keich Basketball Legacy invites sponsors to engage in our organization’s enthusiasm by sharing a unique experience with us.

Follow the link below to become a sponsor and make a lasting impact today!

If you are interested in joining one of our elite teams, please contact us at for more information!


A heartfelt thank you to our incredible sponsors! Your unwavering support fuels our growth and empowers us to continue building our legacy. Together, we're reaching new heights and making a lasting impact. We couldn't do it without you!